Thursday, 5 December 2013

Launching of Restoration Project

Shun Tak Association, Taiping called for a press conference on 3 December 2013 to officially launch the Restoration of  its Heritage Building Project.  Present at the press conference were the Chairman of Shun Tak Association, Taiping, Mr. James Foo;  Chairman of the Restoration Sub-committee, Mdm Tung Lay Chun; honorary Adivsor to the project, Mr. Teoh Chee Keong; architect Lee Yong Chiew who will supervise the   implementation of project; representative from the Taiping Municipal Council, En. Hasmi; representative from the Kwantung Association Taiping, Mr Yong: and members of the Shun Tak Associations, Taiping.   

(from left ): Architect Lee, Teoh Chee Keong, James Foo, Tung Lay Chun, Syahrulnizam,          Mr Yong. 

   In his speech, the Chairman of STA briefed members of the press on the history and the significance of  the STA heritage building and  thanked everyone who has contributed towards the restoration project.  He also announced that the association will be calling for tenders soon.

Architect Lee answering questions from the reporters.

Full support is given by the Taiping Municipal Council, when they issued an official letter of approval for the restoration project as part of its effort to make Taiping a Heritage Town.

A reporter interviewing Teoh Chee Keong to get more details about the restoration project

The event was reported in Sin Chew Jit Poh on the following day

And also in the Kwong Wah Press on 15 Dec.2013

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